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Welcome to Security Guard Training Headquarters! We have everything you need to make your life easier as you begin your career as a security guard officer. State specific training requirements, a step-by-step hiring process, potential employers and interviews to help you get hired are just some of the helpful things you'll find here.

Security Guard Training in Virginia
In Virginia, a registration is required for unarmed security guards. The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice makes the regulations regarding licensing. There are certain criteria that must be met before a license will be approved. The hiring company is responsible for submitting the application.
Basic requirements for unarmed security guards in Virginia:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Finger print cards
- Mentally competent
- No drug or alcohol use or dependence
- Must successfully pass a drug test
- No felony convictions
- No disabilities that would prevent performance of duty
- Submit to criminal background check
- Successfully complete 18 hours of required training
Training Curriculum:
A basic training must be conducted by a board-approved instructor. Topics may include but is not limited to the following:
- Orientation – 2 hours
- Laws and Regulations
- Code of Ethics
- Role and Responsibilities
- Law – 4 hours
- Security Patrol, Access Control, and Communications – 2 hours
- Writing reports – 4 hours
- Emergency Procedures – 4 hours
- Confrontation Management – 2 hours
Registration: $25 Click here for application
Fingerprinting: $50 Click here for application
For more information, please consult the Unarmed Security Guard Requirements in Virginia or call 804-786-4700.
want to know the required weight and height
I am planning to retire after I complete my next semester as an adjunct for psychology in the community college setting. I have worked in the juvenile corrections setting and in group homes for those with special needs. I am in excellent health, 6-6, 245, and walk 4 miles in less than an hour. I am interested in those settings where I am able to not only supervise but counsel, where my M.Ed. in counseling can be utilized. I look forward to hearing from you.
You don’t have to take a 4 hour written exam here I been work in security over25 years
my name is james kahll I’ve been operator since 1992 IP military loads I help hold everything from a tank muscles CD players even guns and ammo out of Louisiana to North Carolina National Guard’s before I’m 51 years old 511 220 pounds I walk and run a lot
I would like information on how to become a armed or unarmed security guard. I did corrections a few years ago,so I just want to get back into the field but in a different atmosphere.
Do you offer security guard training? In addition do you perform testing for certification?
Just found out we need to get licenses for cargo handlers for new job at Dulles. We’ll pay for the training but need to know:
* Do you have a location at / near Dulles?
* What will it cost to train / certify a cargo handler in Va.?
* How long will it take from day 1 until certified?
* How many hours of training?
As a intrest in criminal justice and willing to life in a secure environment would like to work as a security guard to serve better for people and support my self.
Hi, looking to renew my dcjs armed please let me know when is next class ..
I am looking to qualify for 40 caliber this time . Please let me know if you have class this week.
I’m ready to start class any day or training
I am trying to get an unarmed security training so will you please give me an information about availability of dates of training.Thank you
Can I do my training online for the state of Virginia
I’m sorry I sent an email asking if I can do my training online for Va. what I need to know is can I take the unarmed training class of 18 hrs online for my Va. security license
Can you take the unarmed classes in Virginia online Would that be sufficient
I am a college student looking to receive additional information on unarmed training classes.
I have my security license in Florida. Would I have to do classes, tests & fingerprinting again?