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Welcome to Security Guard Training Headquarters! We have everything you need to make your life easier as you begin your career as a security guard officer. State specific training requirements, a step-by-step hiring process, potential employers and interviews to help you get hired are just some of the helpful things you'll find here.

Security Guard Training in South Carolina
In South Carolina, a license is required for unarmed security guards. The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) administers licensing. The hiring company must be licensed and will forward all information to SLED for approval. The individual does not do it. There are certain criteria that must be met before a license will be approved.
Basic requirements for unarmed security guards in South Carolina:
- Be at least 18 years old
- High school diploma or equivalent
- Must be a United States citizen or resident alien
- Mentally competent
- Have good moral character
- No drug or alcohol use or dependence
- Must successfully pass a drug test
- No felony convictions
- No disabilities that would prevent performance of duty
- Finger print card
- Submit to criminal background check
- Complete required training by a SLED certified trainer
Training Curriculum:
The hiring company provides the required training. Four or more hours of training must be completed and a written exam passed and scored. The training must be material from the South Carolina Technical College Private Security Training School. A basic training conducted may include but is not limited to the following:
- Role of Private Security
- Legal Aspects
- Patrol and Observation
- Incident Response
- Security Resources: Surveillance operation and documentation
- Customer Service Issues: Working with and addressing the public
- First Aid Overview
Fees are nonrefundable:
- Licensing: $65
For more information, please read SLED Regulations or call 803-737-9000.
I wish to Apply for the SLED Guard Training so i can start my career in Security. Email me with the necessary documents to send back answered.
I would like to become s security guard. How do i go about that im unempolyed, 56yrs old help me
I am 25 years old and would like to secure a job as a
Security Guard. Where in South Caroline can I find the training?
where can i go to get the training?
I would like to get a job as a guard but need to get my license if you could help me figure this out I’d appreciate it thank you.
please am interested in the security guard training but where is the training centre and again how many month programme is the training……Thanks
I am extremely interested in becoming a security guard and the certification needed for it. If you could send me an email when you have the time, I’d greatly appreciate it.
I am 19 years old and very eager to starting my career as a Security Guard. I will most definitely appreciate it if you could please email me with the necessary documents I would need.
I would like some information when the next classes are to get the sc guard license I live in Columbia,SC and I got my Nj & Florida security license get need to get information on the next class. Thank you.
I am interested in becoming a security guard, Can you please email me where I can go for the training classes and other details I need to do to prepare for the training. Thank you
I am interested in the S.L.E.D. training for the field of Armed Security Guard. I just got out of the Army and would like any help I could get with documents or the processes I would appreciate it. Thank you for your time.
If you are retired Security Police from USAF and have attended an Academy to become a Security Police, are you required to attend a SLED class for unarmed Security Officer.
seeking security trainning but can,t find one in columbia sc area
does the law in SC allow for others coming in from other states, ex:NY, AL,CALIF,NV,OHIO, to work as a “security officer”? I am comparing the law to lets say a drivers license, every state honors each other, and as long as you have a drivers license from, lets NY, CALIF, FLA., GA, you drive in SC, right? doesn’t hurt to ask, right?
I would like to know how to get my security guard license. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Hello my name is Brad Parker and I’m over the risk management team at my church. My background in the security field I’ve worked with a few high end night clubs in Atlanta as well as securing a few Celebrities. I’m trying to start my career here in South Carolina as a security guard/bodyguard. So I’m trying to receive my class D License armed and unarmed. I already have my cwp so can you direct me in the way I need to go Please and Thank You
Where to take a SLED test in or near spartanburg sc ?
where to find free classes for security guard or bouncer in South Carolina please give me a contact number or email address
i am 43 years old, would like to apply for security guard job. Please help to find out how and where could i get a training course and licensing.How long would that take to get licensed. Thanks
I have been working in a another career and what have do be transferred to security. Plus will my experience and pay match.
I looking for a career change. I would like to know where is the security guard training center is located at.
For all of you, did you not read the information? You do not do this, it’s for a company to do. You must get an entry level security position to get the required training, not through SLED. The company you get hired through handles the information through SLED.
I am currently an unarmed security officer in New York. I’m looking to relocate and would like for it to be as seamless as possible. What are SC state requirements? How do I find out if the schools that offer training are certified by the state?
I would like to know where do I apply at to obtain a guard card?
I want to do private security looking for place that offers security d lincesing do you offer that
I have a New York state security guard license. I’m moving to Myrtle Beach South Carolina and I would like to know how I can or what I have to do to get your security license in South Carolina. Please email me back to let me know what I need to do and if there’s any paperwork I need to do
Thank you
I am currently a licensed Florida Unarmed Class D officer who is currently active. I want to move to South Carolina and retire but I want to keep working. What can I do to become licensed in South Carolina? I have been active since 2001, and I have had the required in Florida 40 hours of training. Please respond on how I can get a South Carolina License. I work for Universal/ Allied Barton and I could transfer if a job was available. Thanks in advance.
I would like to know the closest security class nearest to Walterboro South Carolina. I have a Florida licence and want one for here.
Thank you.
Looking to upgrade from level (1) one to (3) three. I have my own duty gear & firearms.
I would like to be Training for my South Carolina armed/unarmed security license, please inform me of the instructions. Thanks
I am a US permeant resident (British) and moved from South Augusta, Ga, to North Augusta, SC some months ago. I was hired by Covenant Security some days ago and was advised that SLED registration is required. I found out myself, by calling SLED. that you MUST BE A US CITIZEN to work as security officer/guard in SC. I spent 20 years in the UK military and worked as a security guard in Ga. Please amend this page to reflect the actual requirements.
I am a British permanent US resident and a 20 year UK military veteran. I was recently hired by Covenant Security. However, after commencing work and reading the job description, I observed myself that US citizenship was required, I looked into this further and found out that this is indeed true, I called SLED and they confirmed this, due to the State Legislator`s views on a security guard`s `powers of arrest`. I then resigned as I would not be eligible for a SLED card……but it is okay for me to have a CWP and carry a concealed weapon! Sounds ridiculous to me, but there it is…please amend this site regarding requirements….YOU MIUTS BE A US CITIZEN AND NOT A LEGAL AILINEN!
I have been a Correctional Officer/Acting Sergeant in NC Prison System/ Surveillance Officer with Probation and Parole in NC for 17 years(25 years with the State), I am a Master Sheriff’s Chaplain with NCSCA for 20 years and miss the Security Aspect of Law Enforcement. I was with G4S in Charlotte,NC for a few months at BOA.
Looking for a permanent Security position with a good reputation.
Thanks for your insight in this matter!
Looking to get training for my officers please contact dannie Wicker
i am interested in getting my security license, and finding a security guard job. If you could email me with more information would be really appreciated.
Live in Columbia SC
I am moving from NY. I would like to obtain my security license in SC. How do I go about this process?
I would like to start to a new job
I’d like more information on becoming a security guard. Please help me find out where to go and get the training and classes for this. It is something I’ve been wanting to do and can’t figure out where to go? I live in Charleston,SC and can go to anyplace local for training and classes.
I am currently a Public Safety Corporal with my ACT 235 certification in PEnnsylvania. I am a Law Enforcement Firearn Instructor and an ACT 235 Firearm Instructor. I’m looking to move to South Carolina and want the forms to be able to work as an Instructor, Police Officer or armed Security. Please send me some information.
Thank You
I would like help in restarting a career in security, but most security companies want you to already have a sled card. Can you help me with this issue?
Interested in getting my security guard license
Was “D” and “G” [Security and Armed Security] Licensed in the
State of Florida for a good number of years including as Operations
Manager for Armored Transport/Security Company.
I’m interested in working as an Armed security officer here in the Spartanburg SC area…What do I need and how do I go about this?
thank you
I’m a security officer in JCNJ and I’m thinking about relocating to South Carolina how do I obtain a lience?
Would like to get a security job but I need to get my license. Cuz you send me some information.
I am interested in becoming SLED certified here in South Carolina. Please let me know what my next steps will be.
I am relocating to south Catalonia in a few more month from now I am certified in the state of Virginia I have my DCJS card here , is this transferable or what do I need to do to become certified in the State of South Carolina
Hello I’m relocating to Columbia South Carolina in about 90 days. I currently have a security guard license issued here in New York State. I was wondering does my license transfer or do I need to get certified all over again. Thank you
I’m 26 years old and would like to secure a job as a
Security Guard. Where in South Caroline can I find the training?
im moving back to South Carolina from California. Ive been licensed here gor several years and would like to know what and where to go to continue my guard card for SC.
Hello I’m looking at relocating to South Carolina , I currently have a armed security guard license issued here in New York State. I was wondering does my license transfer or do I need to get certified all over again.
I would like to get certified in South Carolina
I would like to know how to get a license for being a body guard