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Welcome to Security Guard Training Headquarters! We have everything you need to make your life easier as you begin your career as a security guard officer. State specific training requirements, a step-by-step hiring process, potential employers and interviews to help you get hired are just some of the helpful things you'll find here.

Security Guard Training in North Carolina
In North Carolina, unarmed security guards are required to be licensed/registered. Certain basic criteria must be met first before applying.
Basic requirements for an unarmed security guard in North Carolina:
- Must be at least 18 years old
- United States citizen or resident alien
- No felony convictions or misdemeanors associated with violence (which includes domestic), drugs ( use or sale), theft or fraud in the last 5 years
- Good moral character
- Submit (2) recent passport type photo (one inch by one inch)
- Submit fingerprint cards (2)
- Certified copy of criminal background history for the last 48 months
- Successfully complete department approved training within 30 days of hire
- Employee of a private security company and under supervision from a licensed patrol officer
Other Requirements that May Be Helpful:
- Driver’s License
- Good Communication skills
- Good physical conditioning
- Be able to stand long periods of time
Training Requirements: Must complete 16 hours of classroom training
- The Security Officer in North Carolina — (minimum of one hour)
- Legal Issues for Security Officers — (minimum of three hours)
- Emergency Response — (minimum of three hours)
- Communications — (minimum of two hours)
- Patrol Procedures — (minimum of three hours)
- Note Taking and Report Writing — (minimum of three hours)
- Deportment — (minimum of one hour)
Fees: All fees are non-refundable
- Application: $30
For more information, please see the North Carolina Chapter 74C. Private Protective Services. Article 1. from the Private Protective Services Board or call (919) 733-4111 or contact the:
Private Protective Services Board
P.O. Box 29500
3320 Old Garner Rd.
Raleigh, NC 27626-050
i am interested in becoming a unarmed security guard
I have a felony that is 22 years old. i have never been in any trouble since. what are my chances of becoming a unarmed guard in nc
I am interested in becoming a unarmed security guard but need to get some training. I live in Greensboro, NC. and wants to know where the nearest place to apply for a training class.
I have a Florida Security License, is this transferrable to North Carolina…
I am interested in becoming a unarmed security guard but need to get some training. I live in Goldsboro, NC. and want to know where the nearest place to apply for a training class
Hello. I’m have previous experience working in unarmed security but my NCPPS license has expired. What places in Raleigh, NC would you recommend for me to renew my license?
i am from New York and i have my NYS Armed Security Guard License, does anyone know if i can move to and work in North Carolina as a security guard? is my NYS license transferable or accepted to/by NC?
I would like to start my Owen company so wat do I need to do to start a security company thank u
I am interested in a training program for armed Security Guard training in NC.
Can you send me in the right direction
Where can I find a Security guard School ??? in NC
I am interested in becoming a armed guard. I live in the charlotte nc area. Can you please let me know where I can recieve the training to becoming an armed gaurd.
Thank you
Brent Aslin
I am nearing retirement age and am interested in becoming a security guard upon retirement (armed or unarmed). Where can this training near Wilmington, NC.
Thank you,
John Edwards
I am 54 years old retired in good health and I am interested in becoming a security guard.Is this too old to start a new career?
i am trying to get a copy of my certerfication card can you help me
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i would like to become a secrurity guard i’m 19years old. i have never really been in to any trouble. i love hard work and hard training. I tuck rotc for four years while i was in high school.
I want to be a armed secutiy guard in NC. I see all the requirments in all these websites, but nothing tells me how to start my license, or apply for submitting any paper work. Where or how do I get started, give me a link, or address, or website, phone number, or something. Thanks!
Im cert. in s.c. can this be trans. im a security officer out of work
Please help me found a training school
Im cert in tx and want in n.c.
I need to get my 8 hr and 16 hr how can I get it in northcarolina
I would like to know how many training hours the State of North Carolina requires to have a baton and OC spray permit?
I have a unarmed security licence can this be transfer to north carolina
My licence is from NJ
I’m very interested in becoming an “Unarmed Security Guard” I have no criminal background record.
Hi I currently have my security license in New Jersey I’m from Raleigh north Carolina and won’t to come back to live how do I apply for the training down their in know every state is different.
I have my NC ppsb unarmed certification. My main problem i have run into is that i have to minor misdemeanors convictions prior before my NC ppsb unarmed certification, i have one misdemeanor, 2001 break and entry. I my last conviction was back in 2009, misdemeanor violation local city noise ordinance. I had several security companies turn me down because of my minor discrepancies… i recently found out from applying and been offered employment as a unarmed security officer with U.S. Security Associates, i was denied the position with them because i had a misdemeanor charge of trespassing, that was resolved with PJC, no conviction not guilty plead, & no contest. US Security Associates denied me ” on a charge that was end result was a PJC… can this company deny me this position just only based on a charge that was over 2 years ago and resulted in a no contest PJC??
I have the Basic Security Guard School from Marine Corps security forces. Would any of my security training transfer over our would I need to do the state’s course still
I would like to go from my unarmed security job here in Buncombe County to an armed security job. How would I go along in doing so If the company I am currently at has no armed job here?
I am relocating from Oklahoma to north Carolina I have been certified
In the past for ( cleet) council of law enforcement education training unarmed security for state of Oklahoma I need to get certified for state of North Carolina
and not to my knowledge can anyone certified for another state can be transferable, but if you do have a license or permit from another state and it is not expired than yes you can go to your local sheriffs department and they can give you permission to use you permits and license in the county that you reside in up into the expiration date because that is what I did,, so my license from Florida, I am able to use it until my expiration date from Florida approaches where I live they said there after I will have to take a course in NC,, and that goes for anyone who is thinking about moving to NC, ,, everything here is stricter and harder.
But it also depends on that specific company that hires you because I do not have a license or permit for NC and I work in Pinehurst, only because I was a armed/unarmed security officer in Florida, so some company go by the need and experienced individuals
Hello everyone that is interested in either transferring an unarmed or armed and concealed weapons license to north Carolina from other states…. for me I was both armed and unarmed security officer who also had a concealed weapons permit from Orlando Florida, when I came to north Carolina, I wanted to work as either armed or unarmed guard/officer, which this has been since 2010, I am still in north Carolina and it is 2015 I am still having trouble finding a job in the security area. I can say that north Carolina is a tuff state to transfer or obtain thing in, but I have learned that you can take courses in Raleigh NC or charlotte, there may be other areas but this is what I find thus far, hope this helps and sorry if you live in a further area, I live in Fayetteville NC so Raleigh is closer to me but since I cannot find a training center anywhere else I wouldn’t mind traveling if I have to ,, so just make sacrifices and good luck to all!
Do you have security classes in fayettevile North Carolina
I am already a registered unarmed security officer in Mecklenburg county. Am I allowed to farm myself out as an independent guard?
I had an incident where a store employee reported a suspicious male sitting in his vehicle. My question is are you able to confront this individual or should you just observe the subject and not make contact until you as the officer see something that confirms that the subject is acting suspicious. And by do the later could it open you up to a possible lawsuit if he claims harassment?
i am very interested in becoming a security gofficer and I know I am a great candidate….
if possible please send me a link for training and a phone number of someone to contact
I’m looking to get into the Sequrity field , where can I get a # to be qualified bit my qualifications – I have Military officer training ? I and haved moonlighted doing Sequrity and was a bouncer for about 3 yrs . I enjoyed that – thank you and Godbless .
iam currently hold a g license in florida ..whaT would i need to aquire a nc license PLANNING ON RELOCATING TO HICKORY MC
My husband paid a company that he just started working for $35 for his unarmed license. He completed a 16 hour class. Now for the past 3 checks the same boss took $40 out of each check and said it was for his license. But he originally said the class only cost $35. Is his boss ripping us off?? Or does a license cost more than $35? I’m trying to look it up but can’t find a definite statement.
i am from New Jersey and i have my NJ Security Guard License, does anyone know if i can move to and work in North Carolina as a security guard? is my NJ license transferable or accepted to/by NC?
I live in the Fayetteville area and would like to take the 16 Unarmed Security Guard Course. Do you know where the nearest school is? Thank you
Please how do I apply?
I’m interested in getting my guard licenses but currently do not have my driver licenses. Will that affect me?
can a Florida security license
can a Florida security license be used in North Carolina
I live in Winston-Salem NC I’m looking to become an unarmed guard right now I work in lost prevention but I think I’d like to further my career I could use a phone number to contact people who would at least start me off with the training I need
Is there anyway I can take a taser certification through your course.
I am interested in training for unarmed security can you tell me where the classes are held in salisbury nc and the price THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR TIME.
Hi, My name is Alexander Hanna and wanted to know the nearest location to earn my guard card for unarmed position North Carolina area. I’m living in Linden, NC 28356
I would like to be a unarmed security guard but i don’t know where to go and sign up for the 16hr class .Also do you have any classes Charlotte, North Carolina
I live in Nashville nc interested in being arm security gaurd is there any training facilities near me
Questions about obtaining a security guard license in NC. I was told the Guard License is actually held by the company and not the security guard themself. Can you clarify, I have a team member moving and there and wants to try to apply from out of state.
I need the month to take the security guard class and where do I take the security guard class at
I want to become an unarmed security officer and interested in taking training classes . I currently live in Greenville NC . Can someone please direct me in the right direction where I can take the training Classes?
Im a sworn Washington DC, armed special police officer can my certifications be transferred to NC?
I have: weapons & tactical training
Handcuffing/ practical & tactical
Report writing
Active shooter
Tactical entry/exit
Day / lowlight shooting
HAZMAT first responder
Investigation tactics
[…] North Carolina […]
I would like to become an unarmed security officer in NC. I would like to take the classes I need but I’m not sure where to search for that information. I’m in the winston salem area. Please send the locations or any information you think I will need.
Thank you
I’m currently unemployed and looking to get into armed security. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do I worked for a security company as a unarmed officer bit only worked 16hrs a week if that and I want to do this full time as a job hoping you can help I live in concord NC and willing to start asap. My phone is always on and with me feel free to call anytime thank you for your time and consideration and look forward to your call
I live in Roanoke rapids NC, I am interested in becoming an unarmed security Guard. I took the class a few years ago in Manhattan New York and received my certification. It has since ran out. Can this class be taken online? If not, where in Raleigh NC can I go to take this class? It is advertise on the website, $30 is the fee.
I currently reside in South Carolina I have obtained a SC guard card but I’m interested in relocating to NC I have law enforcement and security experience in GA and SC how can I get licensed in NC
I had a ppsb armed license with one company that let me go for use of force, will that affect me being armed again with another company?
Hi I was my armed security license from New Jersey never work under them will I be about to work under them in Nc I just move down here 4 months ago