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Online Security Guard Training and Career Center
Welcome to Security Guard Training Headquarters! We have everything you need to make your life easier as you begin your career as a security guard officer. State specific training requirements, a step-by-step hiring process, potential employers and interviews to help you get hired are just some of the helpful things you'll find here.

Security Guard Requirements in New York
In order to become a security guard in the State of New York, you must:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Be a citizen or resident alien of the U.S.
- Pass an FBI background check (with no serious convictions or felonies)
- Submit your fingerprint through L-1 Enrollment Services (more on this below)
- Take an 8-hour “pre-assignment” training course, which you must complete and pass prior to applying to the Department of State for a Security Guard Registration Card.
After you have your registration card in hand, you can then begin work as a security guard. Within the first 90 days after employment, you must complete an additional 16 hours of on-the-job training.
Lastly, every year after that you need to complete 8 hours of additional “maintenance” training to keep your registration valid.
Additionally, for your security guard training, you can contact any of these approved security guard schools in New York (PDF file). The schools on this approved list can be used for the 8 hour pre-assignment training, your 16 hours of additional on-the-job-training, as well as your annual maintenance training. School fees will apply.
Please note that all classes must be attended live. There are no approved online training schools available in New York, and taking an online course approved for another state does not qualify as well.
The Application Process
The New York State Department of State Division of Licensing Services is where you will actually apply for your security guard registration card after your initial 8-hours of training.
Along with your application, you will need to submit your fingerprint for your background check. This is done through something called L-1 Enrollment Services, which help you electronically scan your fingerprint, and they’ll give you receipts for proof that you include in your application.
Then, you can use the Employee Statement and Security Guard Employer Application (PDF) to apply.
Registration fees will cost:
- $36.00 for Security Guard Registration ($25 for renewal, every two years)
Must be paid via money order, company check, or cashier’s check. No personal checks or credit cards. Checks payable to NYS Department of State.
Fingerprinting fees will cost:
- Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) Fee: $75.00
- FBI Fee: $19.25
- Fingerprint Vendor Fee: $11.50
- Total: $105.75
Check, money order or credit card. Checks payable to L-1 Enrollment Services.
Again, after you receive your registration card, you can then begin work as a security guard. Within the first 90 days, you’ll need to complete an additional 16 hours of training.
I completed the eight-hour in-service training course
at school#492005 for alpha&omega services on
June 28&29, 2011. I now need the 16-hour ojt training
course-anything available?
i;am looking forward to hearing from you soon. i’am interested in becomung a security guard.
i’am looking forward to hearing from you soon. i’am interested in becoming a security guard.
hello, my name is alsaini diallo i need to get a security guard licence please contact me
This article was very interesting and useful. How long does this process normal take? What the first I should make and who can talk to directly by phone or email? I hope u can help on my quest to becoming a security guard. Have a fun, safe, productive and bless day.
hey Darian,
If you live in new york and are still interested in becoming a security guard here is someone you can call to have all your questions answered, and you can even get trained by him, obtaining all the certifications you will need; (347) 469-1725 his name is Adrian Ellis his training school is located in Brooklyn, NY. Stay blessed.
question from way left field, I have been in security for almost 17 years, fully licenced, trained……but in Australia… in fact my state is the toughest on training in Australia,,,, I am needing a change of scenary. I know I would bneed the correct visas etc etc, how hard is the process for someone like me to get the licence in NYS or any state in America for that matter?
The information I have come across has been correct and insightful … I know what I reed to be true, speaking based on my own experience prior to reading this information. (Real Security Officer)
Great insightful information. Fireguard prep is also a
Great license to have under your belt. The exam is only $25 and conducted Monday through Friday at 9 metro tech ctr downtown, Brooklyn.
Sometimes my security consultants tutor students one on one and give letter of recommendation, though if you are already licensed you should just ask your employer for the letter.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions: 347-860-9738
Ps: Adrian is an excellent teacher. Worked with him in the past. Tell him Mr. Jackson says hello, lol
looking to get my security guard licences.
I had my security license for over a year and still haven’t found work. I am looking to work overnight in a corporate building or a residential building. II WILL NOT SUBMIT NO FEE FOR TRAINING OR ANY OTHER FRAUD S$%^.
where be the security jobs at yall? thems ain’t all that and the pay be mad low but i needs mad work, for real! my boy done told me they pays minimum wage but where them jobs at? peace…
I want to be a security guard in new york city..but the problem pilipino citizen from philippines..i wish im become a security guard in new york..because i love new york and this my dream for me..!
I have completed my 8hrs and 16 hrs on the job training but now I am looking for a job. Please help
is dwi can agains you to not comming an armed security guard?
is GED required to become an armed security guard?
I don’t have either certificate but would like to get both. However I’m already employed with the department of Health and hospital cooperation but I’m part time/ per diem and the hours they give me agency horrible! Would I be Able to set up a payment plan for my certification and other fees?
To whom it may concern. I am very interested in becoming a sercity guard and getting my certificate. I would like to know how much 8 hours +16 hours will cost. And if you have some kind of program that would give me some assistance until I get work to pay for the class thanks
I heard about dogs train for security what is it and do I need it.
do you need your ged to get a job?
do u need a ged or h\s equivalenct before being able to work in the security field
I have a 8 hour security guard license. I am looking for a 16 hour course. Preferably on the weekends or at night. Please contact me.
If you have a felony from anorher state, witch is not serious or violent can you be a security gaurd in ny?
I live in syracuse ny and need to renew my security license where can i go that is in or near syracuse
a felony should not banned you from being a security guard, especially if its over 5 years old, people change for the better alot, but some dont. everyone deserves a second chance though.
I want to know is the $105 including everything and does this mean that I will have my security license after ?
All security guard training has to do test for 8 hrs class? To renew it
I am a British Citizen and years of Experiences as Security Officer ,I have British SIA Close Protection Officer CPO and also SIA Door supervisor Badge and First Aid certificate/British Passport.
I have relatives with whom I can stay in NEW I can 1) New York Security Guard training License 2) How I can Green Card/work Sponsor 3) How I can get a Permanent job.
well I was wondering if I could. resave a security guard handbook in the mall for free because I have all the requirements. but no G.E.D yet but I will pay for it if I haft to.
well I Oliver clay Hageman. date of berth 05/03/91 wood like to reserve a free security guard handbook
I was wondering if I can come November 19th for the license training please email me back….I can’t get out of work until the 19th of November
Hello, I am trying to get a new license and I need a uid number. How do I go about finding this information?
Thank you
Andre Davis
So I’m interested in taking a security guard training to obtain my license
From what I understand I’d have to take the 8 hr course then have 90 days to complete the ojt 16 hr but I’m confused would I have to actually be working to do the 16hr class or can I take the class without having employment
Currently I am working during the day in another field but want to go back to college full time and work security part time in the Eve’s and a few hours on the weekend
Is it possible to go for the security guard license independently ?
i will like to join the school, but am from Africa(Ghana) can i apply
My 8 hr certificate just expired but registration card is for april. Can i still take the annual 8 hr or do i have to start over again?
i wanted to become a security guard n i have a felon which i need clearance for its been 2 months since i paid for the classes n no response from albany how long does it take still waiting for clearance
Can someone get in touch with me about security guard. Thanks
why are fingerprints expire 15 months later is that to get more money from the working poor how come says the fingerprints get expired i dont understand its the governments way riping off poor workers or what and anyway to get fee weaved
[…] an 8-hour “pre-assignment” training course. If you already possess your Security Guard Registration Card (unarmed), then you have already met this particular […]
[…] the city center. Larger cities will usually accommodate more than one major airport — take New York for example with seven airports. John F. Kennedy International Airport serves over 100,000 people a […]
How can I get my 8 hours and 16 hours I want to be a security guard I am a NYC citizen
What happens if you do not get your 16hrs training before the 90days are up????? What if you are not employed and able to do ojt? I need answers
[…] New York […]
I was interested i knowing when i do my 8 hrs,what exactly is the school responsible for.As far as following through with paperwork and such?
Thank you for you time
[…] You will, above all, need a security license, this is requires by law; following the tragic events of September 11, 2001, it is now mandatory that all security guards be licensed. […]
Looking to change careers.
Im 55 years ,female.Do you think I can get a job as a Security Guard. (Unarmned)
hello i been in the security field for since the age 18 working as a bouncer along with having military training experience. now i’m 30 and want a little change? can i provide unarmed bodyguard services with my nys security license?