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Online Security Guard Training and Career Center
Welcome to Security Guard Training Headquarters! We have everything you need to make your life easier as you begin your career as a security guard officer. State specific training requirements, a step-by-step hiring process, potential employers and interviews to help you get hired are just some of the helpful things you'll find here.

Security Guard Training in Georgia
To become an unarmed security guard in Georgia, no license is required. However, potential applicant must meet other qualifications, which includes 24 hours of classroom training.
In addition, potential applicant must meet other basic qualifications.
Basic Requirements:
- Must be at least 18 year old
- Must be a United States citizen or registered resident alien
- High school diploma or equivalent
- Have good moral character
- No felony convictions or any crime involving the illegal use of weapons
- Have not committed any acts of fraud
- Drug testing (which may be ongoing)
- Other Requirements that May Be Helpful:
- Driver’s License
- Good physical conditioning
- Be able to stand long periods of time
- Good Communication skills
Basic Training Curriculum for Security Officers in Georgia
A basic training course consisting of at least 24-hours class instruction must be successfully completed. This course can be given by the potential employer or may be taken as a standalone class.
Curriculum may include but not limited to the following subjects:
- Role of Private Security
- Legal Aspects
- Patrol and Observation
- Incident Response
- Security Resources: Surveillance operation and documentation
- Customer Service Issues: Working with and addressing the public
- First Aid Overview
Please note: If training isn’t offered by potential employer, stand alone courses may require a fee.
For more information, please call 478=207-2440, see the Georgia Board of Private Detective & Security Agencies Application for Employee Registration Form or visit the main Georgia Board of Private Detective & Security Agencies licensing page here.
My name is Allen and I am 23 years old and I am interested in training to become a security officer in the state of Georgia.
How much is the class? What is your location? Armed as well.
i want to learned more about security guard
i would like to know how much is the tuition
If one has a non violent felony. Does one first need to apply for rehabilitation certificate, certificate of restoration, restoration of civil rights certificate, certificate of good conduct? Or does one only need to apply, finish, and show you all a rehabilitation certificate? I would prefer that you all email me, please.
my name is lessly im interested in becoming a security guard in ga,i have 18yrs as in security hotels and club bouncer.i also am a ex-ga bondsman and have private investigation experience. but that was mostly in the 90’’s a new world I’d like to be updated if you will.where can I take the coarse and how musch is it.
Im am security officer in Florida and i am wanting to move to Georgia and was wondering how much is the classes for D and G and what all would i need to become a class G security officer?
I am very interest in the job I’m a license Security Officer now and would love to relocate. Please give me a call. I have worked in Security for at lease 61/2 years. And working as a security has always been my calling and what I love to do and I take my job very seriously. Please give me a chance that’s all I ask. Thanks!!!!!!
I am interested in becoming a security guard in Georgia . I am 20 years old ready to start my career in security .
okay I have an simple battery charge on my record will that hinder me from becoming or getting a blue card?
I would like to know the state requirment for Georgia, I am license in the state of Illinois.
interested on some info in how to become a licensed armed security officer
Yes, how much are the training courses and how do I sign up for a class
I want to become a security guard because I see others that don’t respect the job and brake the law because they have the suite on you have to respect others and go by the guide lines and not make wrong decision on the the job that will defect your job not harassing others or criminal profiling on others while on the job my grandfather was a security guard I want to follow his doorstep and show others the right way
am very smart and intelligent
I am interested in becoming a security guard.
I have a conviction of 3rd degree grand theft in Florida. I’m currently moving to Georgia Can I obtain my security license there since I have no record in Georgia.
Hello, I was employed in FL having a class D security license.
I would like to relocate to Georgia.
Will my background experience help me get employment, and what kinds of employment ate available for middle age people myself?
Where can I get my security license at in Brunswick Ga
Interested in becoming a security guard. I would like to have someone contact me about classes and tuition
I have 10 + years in the security field worked as a different security positions in Connecticut for various companies including hotels colleges stores Office Buildings construction sites and such forth
I am a security officer in SC and will be moving to Irwinton GA and looking for work in Macon, GA, can you please tell me where I can apply for the 24 hour class training?
Thank you
I’m interested in earning my armed guard security license. I’m a retired Army veteran. And looking for employment. Thanks
I’m trying to be a security guard. Could you please give me a call with the steps needed.
Thanks in advance
I work as an security guard in nyc Manhattan. I will like to know can I transfer my license to Albany or Atlanta Georgia so I don’t have to do the Process all over again?
Would like to become a security guard.
Pls, am from Ghana west Africa and it is my interest to upgrade myself in the security industry, I have over ten years experience in the security industry as a security supervisor with g4s security services GH Ltd, pls won’t ask I don’t have security licences and it is my interest to work in your company so what should I do ?
i just moved to the atlanta area from chicago. I have my security licence in Illinois pluse being an armed guard how can i get one through ga without retaken the class
[…] Georgia […]
I need information how to start my own Security Company, what are the steps. I do know you must have a security license from the Georgia Secretary of State ,Atlanta Business License,and need to be bonded. I would like to be able to speak with someone or a contact person.
Just moved to Georgia from Florida, and want to know do I need a Georgia security license if I have a florida one already. If I do , do I need to take the class over?
I’m trying to be an arm guard well I’m trying to be on my own with another company how can I go by doing that
would like to take a unarmed security guard course on line for georgia .how do i go about.thanks for your help.
Need to be certified for job at Meadows Memorial Hospital
I have an Security Guard Card Here in the State of California, i want to relocate to Atlanta GA. My FELONY is 31 Years old, i’ve been out for 18 Years. Can i Still work as an Security officer, the State of GA. will continue to hold my FELONY against me?
Thank You,
I am an Armed Guard with both D and G license with concealed license here in Florida. I’m looking to expand and find work in GA. Can you tell me what I need to do?