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A PERC Card, or Permanent Employee Registration Card, is a card that tells employers in the State of Illinois that you’ve passed certain background checks through a fingerprint submission process. The PERC Card is essential if you wish to become a security guard in Illinois. Security guard applicants cannot apply for a position until they have completed the PERC application and received their card.
Permanent Employee Registration Card

State of Illinois | Department of Financial & Professional Regulation | (129) Permanent Employee Registration Card (PERC) New Application Checklist
The PERC Card basically acts as a license to be a security guard in Illinois. Just as a license shows that a person has completed the legal requirements to operate a motor vehicle, a PERC card indicates that a person has completed and passed all the basic background checks and has been properly fingerprinted in the Illinois database. If you do NOT have a PERC card and are working as a security guard in the state of Illinois, both you and the company you work for could get hefty fines. Proper security guard licensing is part of Illinois state law, and as such, working without proper licensing is breaking the law, and subject to proper punishment.
To apply for your PERC Card, you can visit the PERC Card application page on the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation website. It is important to understand that after a candidate obtains a PERC Card they are not guaranteed that a security firm will hire them. The PERC card simply enables candidates to start applying to security guard jobs in Illinois.
The PERC card application requirements are as follows:
- You must be at least 18 years old to apply
- You must also provide your SSN (Social Security Number)
- You must pay a fee of $55.00 (to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation)
- You must attach a photo to the application
- You must submit the appropriate security clearance documents
For more PERC requirements, and specific instructions on the items listed above, see the official IDFPR PDF application.
The security clearance documents are obtained by completing the fingerprinting card scan process. Again, this is so the state can conduct a background investigation to ensure there are no felonies on your record, and to confirm security guard employment eligibility.
All applications must select a certified Livescan Vendor, of which there is a list of in the application for a PERC card.
PERC Card Renewal
Renewing ones PERC card is an important step in maintaining legal ability to work as a security guard. Remember, those without proper credentials may risks fines or worse. Typically, PERC cards are good for 3 years. It will say on the PERC card when it is due to expire. A person is usually notified by mail about 90 days before their PERC card is due to expire, however, it is best not to rely on that reminder. It is always good to have your information (address etc.) up to date on your account with the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Registration.
To Renew Your License visit:
The website also has links to renew online or information about renewing over the phone. There are frequently asked questions and answers, as well as how to put a PERC card on hold so it doesn’t expire while you aren’t using it. DO NOT reapply if you already have a PERC card. For questions that are not answered you may try and contact: (217) 782-0458 or (217) 782-8556.
Lost or Damages PERC Card
In the instance of a lost or damaged PERC Card you can request a replacement card, you will need to submit a written request by mail with a $20 dollar fee to the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Registration. Do not send cash through the mail. Check or money order would work, made out to the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Registration. Include your personal information, license number if you have it, address, birthdate, and last 4 digits of your social security number. Explain that you need a replacement copy of your PERC card. This is only for VALID PERC cards. Send the request and check or money order to:
Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
ATTN: Division of Professional Regulation
P.O. Box 7007
Springfield, Illinois 62791

The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (“IDFPR”) manages PERC card issuance for the state.