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Welcome to Security Guard Training Headquarters! We have everything you need to make your life easier as you begin your career as a security guard officer. State specific training requirements, a step-by-step hiring process, potential employers and interviews to help you get hired are just some of the helpful things you'll find here.

Armed Security Guard Training Requirements
In order to become an armed security guard and carry a firearm with you while on duty, you must complete additional hours of training that specializes in firearm handling and safety. When you complete your training, you will be given a card that allows you to legally carry a firearm while on duty.
These training hours are in addition to the training needed in order to become a basic security guard. They will include hours spent learning how to handle and fire a weapon.
The training programs to become an armed security guard vary from state to state, as well as the number of hours required during that training, but all involve a rigorous, multi-point background check to make sure you are qualified to carry a firearm.
Applications to become an armed security guard must be done through your state’s Department of Justice or Bureau of Security.
What Are the Benefits of Becoming an Armed Security Guard?
There are a number of good reasons why you should consider going through with the intensive training required to carry a firearm while on duty.
First and foremost, you will get paid more. This simple reason alone is why many unarmed security guards go through the additional training.
Secondly, you will have more opportunities for career advancement. There are many other types of security jobs available (again, that pay more) that are only open to those who are qualified to carry a firearm.
Thirdly, you will be more protected. Hopefully, you will not have to ever use your firearm while on duty, but the truth is that you may be put in a dangerous situation that a gun may help resolve. Sometimes, just having a firearm present with you can minimize dangerous situations while you’re on duty, even if it just stays in your holster.
What Will Firearms Training Teach Me?
Formal firearms training will teach you about weapons retention, self defense, and certain laws regarding the use of your firearm.
Weapons retention is all about how to keep your gun safe during an attack. It’s scary to think about, but your gun can be taken from you and used against you. The training will help you learn how to retain your gun in dangerous situations, as well as how to make sure it’s secure and locked properly while you carry it.
Self defense is self explanatory, but essentially you’ll learn techniques that will help you defend yourself, both with and without your firearm. Many of you have no prior experience with a firearm, so you will be shooting at the firing range so you can at least get comfortable with how it feels. Some people find that when they get to this point, carrying a gun is just too much for them and not something they want to get involved with.
Lastly, there are a lot of laws involved with how you carry your gun, and how and when you can use it. The exact laws vary from state to state, but they are all important to know, not only because knowing them will help you pass the firearms training test and earn your card, but because they are in place to help save lives and keep you and everyone else around you safe.
Where Do I Get Armed Security Guard Training?
If you are a former police officer, licensed private investigator, peace officer or military personnel, you are exempt from the training hours that are required to become an armed security guard. You will still have to register through the State, however, to obtain your card to hold a firearm.
If you are not one of the above, you will again have to complete the hours of training required by your State.
To understand what’s required in the state that you reside, please click on your state from the list below.
Armed Security Guard Jobs
Once training is complete, the next step for licensed armed guards is to find a job. As stated above, once the license to work as an armed guard is obtained, there are jobs out there for people who are licensed to work in this capacity. It is simply a matter of finding, applying for and interviewing for these positions. There are companies who hire armed guards, there are also individuals or businesses who are looking for properly licensed guards. Most businesses and even individuals go through major security guard companies to locate a guard, however,some armed guards are able to hire themselves out without the need to a large company back them. Sometimes these freelance armed guards are able to find higher paying jobs, however it may be more difficult than simply applying to work for a security company. Job sites like indeed, simply hired and monster are great sites to look for armed guard jobs.These sites allow you to look for job openings and/or upload your resume for those seeking an armed guard to find. These sites are a great asset to those who have already achieved their license and are simply looking for work.
Armed Security Guard Companies
There are many different security companies out there. Some security companies (like ADT) are looking to hire guards to work directly for them in the capacity in which their business lends. Other companies, like G4S, hire security guards and then hire those guards out to other businesses (like nuclear power plants, fortune 500 companies etc.), these guards work at a business or location under the umbrella of the company that hired them.
Here is a list of other companies that hire armed guards in the United States and what they are looking to do/who they are looking to hire:
- ACADEMI: this is a privately owned American security company that works all over the world. It is highly militarized in a sense, and is looking for individuals with military experience.These are in a sense paid privately run military personnel. They have been known to work with state and federal military, but also simply seek to offer: “stability and protection to people and locations experiencing turmoil.” The website is:
- Andrews International: this company started in Los Angeles, but has locations all over the US. It offers security to “national landmarks, major tourist attractions, industrial sites, educational and financial institutions, healthcare facilities, and other locations where security stakes and client expectations are high.” The website is:
- Brink’s Company: Brink’s does more than home security, they provide airport security, cash management, etc. They have been around since 1859, providing protection for horse drawn carriages carrying money. They have come a long way since those days, and working for Brinks is a prestigious position in security. The website is:
- AlliedBarton: is a private security department that has become very successful throughout the US. The Company provides guards for the protection of anything from schools to chemical industries and everything in between. The website is:
- ADT: arguably the largest home security company in the United States. They need and rely on armed guards as part of their security infrastructure. The website is:
In addition to these groups, and for those armed guards looking for more serious security work, there are companies that hire people for other private almost military type organizations that hire people to serve and protect the world. Some of the most well-known and successful groups are companies such as G4S,ICTS, GK Sierra, Triple Canopy etc. These companies are known for hiring the best armed guards. If you are looking to go into armed security to make a difference in the world, to serve and protect (but don’t want to work for the federal government by going into the military, or have already done that) these companies may be a great option for you.
I’m interested in the armed security guard training any information would be appreciated. Thank You
Hi there, I have a regular security guard card and I want to get a armed guard card , what’s the next step? I would like to get some info .thanks
I am presently working as a security guard since 3 years. I have work as a Police officer for 19 years in my country in Sri Lanka. Actually I have good training for how to use fire arms. I want to be a armed Security Officer here. Therefore I want to get a armed security license . Please let me know how can I get it. Thank you.
I payed for training did over 24 hrs of courses. Then did life scan and sent over information to the BSIS it’s been months and I have not received any response or notice. My Job opportunities are passing by.
Acquiring armed security classes in Charlotte information
Looking for armed security training near me. I live in Central New York. Thank you.
hlo sir
sir i have bsp security licence
& i want to apply weapon licence
can you guys please help me how to appply weapon licence